Utica "Old Main"
The first asylum built in New York. Old Main was made to take care of the insane. It became known for a type of restraint that was used at the hospital. Some of the campus is still used, but it's the empty building that still may have ghosts.
1213 Court St
Utica, NY 13502
Sources for the show:
"Utica State Hospital - Asylum Projects." 28 Dec. 2015, http://www.asylumprojects.org/index.php/Utica_State_Hospital."Top 11 Most Haunted Places in Upstate New York, NY ...." https://www.hauntedrooms.com/top-11-haunted-places-upstate-new-york-ny.
"Haunted Asylums in New York State | Exemplore." 6 Jun. 2018, https://exemplore.com/paranormal/Haunted-Asylums-in-New-York-State.
"Local Haunts: Three Historically Creepy Places to Visit This ...." 31 Oct. 2018, https://uctangerine.com/2018/10/31/local-haunts-three-historically-creepy-places-to-visit-this-halloween/.
"The Utica Crib - Kayla Arbini - WordPress.com." https://weirdscience390.wordpress.com/2016/10/18/the-utica-crib/.
"The Opal - Wikipedia." https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Opal.
"A Look Inside the Former 'New York State Lunatic Asylum at ...." 20 Jun. 2015, https://exploringupstate.com/a-look-inside-the-former-new-york-state-lunatic-asylum-at-utica/.
"1880 The Utica Crib | The Inmates of Willard 1870 to 1900 / A ...." 8 Sep. 2012, https://inmatesofwillard.com/2012/09/08/1880-the-utica-crib/.
"disability history museum--Life In The Asylum, Part 1." https://www.disabilitymuseum.org/dhm/lib/detail.html?id=1240&page=all.
"Utica mental health facility known far, wide | The Daily Gazette." 19 Sep. 2015, https://dailygazette.com/article/2015/09/19/0919_cudmore.
"Edgar Allen Poe Nearly Became Resident of Utica's Mental ...." 8 Jan. 2015, https://lite987.com/edgar-allen-poe-utica/.
Cattails Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
Ghost Dance Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License
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